About Us

Since our launch over 10 years ago in 2012, The Flow Company® has grown to become a recognised supplier and distributor, supplying thousands of essential products to the trade and companies across the UK and overseas.

Started as a direct and convenient supplier for the fire protection industry, The Flow Company offers an extended product range all in one destination, suitable for applications in Mechanical, Fire Protection, Electrical and Water.

Working with leading brands, certified suppliers and licensed manufacturers with large distribution networks and storage facilities located centrally within Europe. The Flow Company® is regularly introducing new, exciting products and concepts to a fast-evolving market and holds a vision to become one of the UK’s leading suppliers in the industry.

We recognize the importance in supplying trusted products which are safe and of the highest quality, offering products which comply to many UK, European and International standards.

In 2022, The Flow Company LLC established a presence in the United States & North America, opening a second office in New Hampshire. Here our friendly team continue to deal with all enquiries and projects over the pond, including the launch of new products and establishing relationships with new and existing suppliers and customers.

Designed with our customers in mind we have developed a website which is easy to navigate and buy from, offering a convenient and hassle-free experience at competitive prices.


“Making a change and improving people’s lives”. 


Our Mission:

The Flow Company is focussed to making a change and improving people’s lives, supplying the best products and delivering excellent service. Our key mission is to build strong relationships with our partners and manage our environmental footprint, reducing waste and taking a green approach with products which are fast, safe to use or install and better for the planet or ultimately recyclable offering an advantage beyond our competitors.


The Flow Company Van